


Global Indigenous Peoples Village

At WorldFest, it is our mission as a celebration of the World Culture to honor the indigenous peoples of the world and the expansive knowledge and cultural richness that are held within them.

Join us in celebrating the 14th annual Global Indigenous Peoples Village at WorldFest!

The Global Indigenous Peoples Village is hosted by a diverse range of Indigenous Peoples including the Indigenous Nisenan People of Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, and Sacramento counties, whose land holds the WorldFest gathering. The Nisenan
Tribes will open WorldFest on Thursday evening, with a ceremonial welcoming
of all guests of WorldFest on their ancestral homelands.

The Global Village holds a diverse variety of Indigenous Artisans, Musicians, Dancers, Wisdom Keepers, and Workshops to honor the past and recognize the indigenous peoples’ invaluable contribution to humanity’s cultural diversity and heritage.

During the festival, day break will begin with a ceremonial sun welcoming and continue with community gathering all day long.

Stay tuned for scheduling of workshops and presentations within the Global Village, and make sure to check out the schedule of the Global Stage which is dedicated to showcasing Indigenous Peoples music and dance as well as lectures from Elders within the community.

It is a honor to receive these teachings and share them with the greater WorldFest community.

Would you like to participate in the Global Indigenous Peoples Village at the festival this year? Please contact Anna Kastner at